A comprehensive analysis designed to provide crop protection suppliers with the latest information on the size, structure, and outlook for the seed treatment pesticide market in major country/crop markets across the globe.
Specifically, this report assists subscribers by:
- Estimates of market sizes and outlook for key seed treatment crops in 19 countries
- A highly reliable and independent assessment of the competitive positions of the major seed treatment suppliers in terms of product sales and market share
- Management-level insights into the reasons for treatment, the key insects and diseases being treated, and the leading products in each segment
- For marketers interested in increasing their penetration into seed treatment, we will provide an assessment of strengths and weaknesses for current products and a tabulation of unmet needs provided by our respondents
- For product developers, we will provide an overview of the cultural practices used by growers to produce their crops, the role of seed treatment, and opportunities to establish or increase market penetration
A number of converging trends make this the right time for this overview:
- As commodity prices remain high for growers around the world, it makes even more sense for growers to invest in protecting their crops.
- As biotechnology advancements have increased the value of some field crop seed by introducing new traits, growers have demanded better protection of that seed to maximize their return on investment.
- At the same time, new active ingredients have been introduced that present new opportunities for seed protection.
- New insect-resistant genetic traits in corn and cotton have changed the spectrum of pests to protect against, resulting in niche markets for seed companies that treat seeds for insect protection.
This report will focus on the application of fungicides and insecticides but will include other treatments that may be applied as a way of protecting the seed and seedlings, as well as enhancements such as colorants. It will review the most common seedling diseases for the crops being studied, address cultural practices and non-chemical control methods, and then focus on the technologies and products used to treat seed prior to planting.Most of the report will focus on off-farm treatment, but in cases where on-farm treatment is important, these treatments will be covered as well.
Crops covered in the report are:
Sugar beets
Canola/oilseed rape
You can also buy signal country report included in this series:
Argentina, Australia,Brazil,Canada,China,France,Germany,Hungary,India,Italy,Japan,Mexico,Poland,Russia,South Africa,Thailand,Ukraine,United Kingdom and United States
Includes forecasts generated with Kline's FutureView Scenario Forecasting Model.
_ Description of diseases, insects, nematodes, and other reasons seeds are treated; control options; current active ingredients and select products under development
_ Product formulations, rates, and application issues and opportunities
_ Combination products
_ Seed treatment methods
_ Interface between seed treatment and biotechnology
4A. Canada
4B. Mexico
4C. United States
5A. France
5B. Germany
5C. Italy
5D. Hungary
5E. Poland
5F. Russia
5G. South Africa
5H. Ukraine
5I. United Kingdom
6A. Argentina
6B. Brazil
7A. Australia
7B. China
7C. India
7D. Japan
7E. Thailand
Each country section will contain the following topics for the crops listed in Table 1:
_ Crop background
_ Planted acres
_ Crop end use by acres or volume; regional differences within countries where appropriate
_ Production and crop protection methods
_ Key seed suppliers and their product compatibility with treatment
_ Role of seed treatment as crop protection method
_ Key diseases, insects, nematodes, and other reasons seeds are treated; regional differences within countries when appropriate
_ Non-chemical alternatives
– Sanitation
– Biocontrols
– Biotechnology
_ Chemical treatment methods for target diseases and insects
– Foliar
– Soil at planting
– Seed treatment
_ Product sales and market share for seed treatment products
_ Active ingredient use for seed treatment products
_ Sales by company for seed treatment products
_ Seed treatment outlook and assumptions by crop