Tailor-made Reports

    Tailor-made reports are accomplished by AgroPages together with its global partners from over thirty countries, based on our years of experience in the industry, for the special requirement of the clients.

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    Recent Tailor-made Reports:

    Product reports

    Ex-factory price of certain Technical in China market

    Competitors profiles and dynamics of certain product in Brazil

    Producing status quo of certain product in China

    TOP 20 best sold final products in Argentina (in value)

    The substitutes of Paraquat in China

    Industry reports

    Survey of biopesticide industry in China

    Contrastive analysis of new generation SDHI fungicides products

    Downstream agrochemical products of certain intermediate product in India

    Innovative fertilizers in China market 2016

    Company reports

    Dynamics monthly report of certain company/competitor

    SWOT of certain company/competitor

    TOP 50 Thailand pesticide producers

    Profiles of the major contract manufacturers in agrochemical industry

    Investigation report for an acquisition target enterprise

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    Email:  agropages@vip.163.com,