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Indian Pesticides Industry

Nov 01 2012   Pages: 0   Language: English   Price: Inquire

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With years of experience of global agrochemical industry rep...
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    Crop production in India has grown at a CAGR of 3.4% during the period 2004-05 to 2011-12. One of the main reasons that can be attributed to the growth in agricultural productivity is control over pests - weeds, insects and pathogens using crop protection products. Pesticides are the last input in the agricultural process but are important for sustainable development of agriculture. Over the years, Indian pesticide industry has developed substantially and India has emerged as the sixth largest producer of pesticides in the world following USA, Brazil, Japan, France and China. Despite the fact that judicious use of pesticides can prevent crop losses and provide economic benefits to the farmers, the pesticide consumption per hectare in India is far below world average. This is largely due to the lack of awareness among the farmers, fragmented land holdings, farmers' financial inability to buy the requisite pesticides etc.

    The report on the 'Indian Pesticide Industry' provides the latest statistical data on pesticides and analyses different aspects like consumption (state-wise & category-wise), production, imports & exports. The report also provides information on new techniques of crop protection like Integrated Pest Management (IPM), Biopesticides and GM crops.

    To what extent pesticides consumption will be affected due to deficient rainfall in FY 13? How will the industry perform on the exports front? Which categories of pesticides will drive the overall consumption of pesticides in future? the report seeks to answer such queries using the most pragmatic approach.

    The report is indispensable for any company in the pesticide industry, banks/FIs, policy makers, research and academic organizations, other international and national agencies etc. Additionally, four quarterly updates, from the date of subscription, alongwith this report would form a potent tool for the subscribers to keep abreast of the happenings in the industry.

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