1. Russia Seed Market Introduction
General Overview of the Global Market
Russia Seed Market: Current Scenario
Certification Process of Seeds in Russia
Russia Farming Business: Ongoing Trends
2. Russia Seed Industry Value Chain
3. Russia Seed Market Size, 2008- 2013
3.1 By Value, 2008-2013
3.2 By Production Volume, 2008-2013
4. Russia Seed Market Segmentation, 2008-2013
4.1 By Hybrid and Non Hybrid Seeds, 2008-2013
4.2 By Vegetable Seeds and Non Vegetable Seeds, 2008-2013
4.3. By Domestic and Export Seed Market, 2008-2013
Russia Domestic Seed Market by Domestic and Import Market Value, 2008-2013
4.4. By Industry Structure (Formal System and Informal System), 2013
5. Russia Vegetable Seed Market Introduction
5.1. Russia Vegetable Seed Market Size, 2008-2013
5.2. Russia Vegetable Seed Market Segmentation, 2008-2013
5.2.1. By Hybrid and Non Hybrid Vegetable Seeds, 2008-2013
5.3. Market Share of Major Players in Vegetable Seed Industry in Russia, 2013
6. Russia Non Vegetable Seed Market Introduction, 2008-2013
Russia Wheat Seed Market
Russia Sunflower Seed Market
Russia Maize/ Corn Seed Market
7. Export and Import of Seeds in Russia
7.1. Russia Oilseed Export and Import, MY’2011-MY’2014
7.2. Wheat and Corn Export and Import in Russia, MY’2011-MY’2014
Import Market of Seeds in Russia: Current Scenario
8. Trends and Developments in Russia Seed Industry
9. Government Agencies operating in Russia Seed Industry
9.1. Regulatory Framework for Seed Patents
10. SWOT Analysis of Russia Seed Industry
11. Competitive Landscape of Major Players in Russia Seed Industry
12. Competitive Landscape of Major Domestic Players in Russia Seed Industry
13. Future Outlook and Projections of Russia Seed Industry, 2014-2018
13.1. By Hybrid and Non Hybrid Seeds, 2014-2018
13.2. By Vegetable Seeds and Non Vegetable Seeds, 2014-2018
13.3. Cause and Effect Relationship between Industry Factors and Russia Seed Industry Prospects
14. Macroeconomic Factors of Russia Seed Industry, 2008-2018
14.1 Population of Russia, 2008-2018
14.2 Arable Land in Russia, 2008-2018
14.3 Value Added by Agriculture in Russia, 2008-2018
15. Analyst Recommendation
For New and Small Players
For Established Players
16. Appendix
16.1. Market Definitions
16.2. Abbreviations
16.3. Research Methodology
Data Collection Methods
Variables (Dependent and Independent)
Multi Factor Based Sensitivity Model
Final Conclusion
16.4. Disclaimer
Table 1: Global Commercial Seed Market by Different Types of Seeds (Grain, Horticulture, Oil, Vegetable, Fruit Seeds and Others) on the Basis of Revenue Contribution in USD Million, 2008-2013
Table 2: Europe Commercial Seed Market by Different Types of Seeds on the Basis of Revenue Contribution in USD Million, 2008-2013
Table 3: Russia Seed Production Volume by Different Types of Seeds in Tons, 2008-2012
Table 4: Russia Seed Market Segmentation by Non Hybrid and Hybrid Seeds on the Basis of Revenue Contribution in USD Million, 2008-2013
Table 5: Russia Seed Market Segmentation by Non Vegetable and Vegetable Seeds on the Basis of Revenue Contribution in USD Million, 2008-2013
Table 6: Russia Domestic Seed Market Size by Imports and Domestic Markets on the basis of Revenue Contribution in USD Million, 2008-2013
Table 7: Russia Seed Market Segmentation by Non Formal and Formal Seeds on the Basis of Revenue Contribution in USD Million, 2013
Table 8: Russia Vegetable Seed Market Segmentation by Hybrid and Non Hybrid Seeds on the basis of Revenue Contribution in USD Million, 2008-2013
Table 9: Russia Hybrid Vegetable Seed Market Value in USD Million, 2013
Table 10: Russia Wheat Crop Planted Area in Russia in Million Hectares, 2008-2013
Table 11: Russia’s WTO Commitments Regarding Export Duties on Oilseeds Beginning August 2012
Table 12: Number of Breeding and Seed Production Centers in Russian Federation by Districts, 2013
Table 13: Government Agencies Operating in Russia Seed Industry
Table 14: Competitive Landscape of Major Players in Russia Seed Industry
Table 15: Competitive Landscape of Major Domestic Players in Russia Seed Industry
Table 16: Russia Seed Market Future Projections by Non Hybrid and Hybrid Seeds on the basis of Revenue Contribution in USD Million, 2014-2018
Table 17: Russia Seed Market Future Projections by Non Vegetable and Vegetable Seeds on the basis of Revenue Contribution in USD Million, 2014-2018
Table 18: Cause and Effect Relationship Analysis between Industry Factors and Expected Industry Prospects of the Russia Seed Industry
Table 19: Russia Gross Harvest of Major Crops in Million Tons, 2011-2013
Table 20: Production of Basic Agricultural Products by Types of Enterprises in Russia in Percentage %, 2011-2013
Table 21: Correlation Matrix of Russia Seed Industry
Table 22: Regression Coefficients Output of Russia Seed Market
Figure 1: Global and Europe Commercial Seed Market on the Basis of Revenue in USD Million, 2008-2013
Figure 2: Global Commercial Seed Market by Different Types of Seeds (Grain, Horticulture, Oil, Vegetable, Fruit Seeds and Others) on the Basis of Revenue Contribution in Percentage %, 2008-2013
Figure 3: Europe Commercial Seed Market by Different Types of Seeds (Grain, Horticulture, Oil, Vegetable, Fruit Seeds and Others)on the Basis of Revenue Contribution in Percentage %, 2008-2013
Figure 4: Seed Certifying Process in Russia
Figure 5: Russia Seed Industry Value Chain
Figure 6: Russia Seed Market Size on the Basis of Revenue in USD Million, 2008-2013
Figure 7: Russia Seed Market Size on the Basis of Production Volume in Million Tons, 2008-2013
Figure 8: Russia Seed Market Segmentation by Non Hybrid and Hybrid Seeds on the Basis of Revenue Contribution in Percentage %, 2008-2013
Figure 9: Russia Seed Market Segmentation by Non Vegetable and Vegetable Seeds on the basis of Revenue Contribution in Percentage %, 2008-2013
Figure 10: Russia Seed Market Segmentation by Export and Domestic Seeds Value on the basis of Revenue Contribution in Percentage %, 2008-2013
Figure 11: Russia Seed Market Segmentation by Export and Domestic Markets on the basis of Revenue Contribution in USD Million, 2008-2013
Figure 12: Russia Domestic Seed Market Size by Import and Domestic Markets on the basis of Revenue Contribution in Percentage %, 2008-2013
Figure 13: Russia Seed Market Segmentation by Non Formal and Formal System on the Basis of Revenue Contribution in Percentage %, 2013
Figure 14: Hybridization Rate of Major Vegetables in Russia in Percentage %, 2013
Figure 15: Russia Vegetable Seed Market Size on the Basis of Revenue in USD Million, 2008-2013
Figure 16: Russia Vegetable Seed Market Segmentation by Hybrid and Non Hybrid Seeds on the basis of Revenue Contribution in Percentage %, 2008-2013
Figure 17: Market Share of Major players of Vegetable Seed Market in Russia on the Basis of Value in Percentage %, 2013
Figure 18: Composition of Area by Different Grains in Russia in Percentage %, 2010
Figure 19: Russia Wheat Crop Yield in Tonnes per Hectare, 2008-2013
Figure 20: Russia Wheat Seed Production in Million Tonnes, 2008-2013
Figure 21: Russia’s Share of Sunflower Seed Production in World in Percentage %, 2013
Figure 22: Russia Sunflower Seeds Planted Area in Russia in Million Hectares, 2008-2013
Figure 23: Russia Sunflower Seeds Production in Million Metric Tonnes, 2008-2013
Figure 24: Planted Corn Seeds by Imported Hybrid and Non Hybrid Seeds in Russia in Percentage %, 2013
Figure 25: Russia Corn Crop Total Planted Area in Million Hectares, 2008-2013
Figure 26: Russia Corn Crop Harvested Area in Million Hectares, 2008-2013
Figure 27: Russia Corn Seed Production Volume in Thousand Tonnes, 2008-2013
Figure 28: Export of Major Oilseeds from Russia in Thousand Metric Tonnes, MY’2011-MY’2014
Figure 29: Import of Major Oilseeds from Russia in Thousand Metric Tonnes, MY’2011-MY’2014
Figure 30: Export Volume of Wheat and Corn from Russia in Thousand Metric Tonnes, MY’2011- MY’2014
Figure 31: Import Volume of Wheat and Corn from Russia in Thousand Metric Tonnes, MY’2011- MY’201448
Figure 32: Russia Seed Market Future Projections on the basis of Revenue in USD Million, 2014-2018
Figure 33: Russia Seed Market Future Projections by Non Hybrid and Hybrid Seeds on the basis of Revenue Contribution in Percentage %, 2014-2018
Figure 34: Russia Seed Market Future Projections by Non Vegetable and Vegetable Seeds on the basis of Revenue Contribution in Percentage %, 2014-2018
Figure 35: Russia Population in Million, 2008-2018
Figure 36: Russia Total Arable Land in Million Hectares, 2008-2018
Figure 37: Value Added by Agriculture to GDP in USD Million, 2008-2018