Global Seeds Market Report 2013
Jul 15 2013
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Language: English
Price: $800
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Seed is one of the natural sources of germplasm, wherein the genetic information of species is stored. It is the basic source for incessant enhancements and innovations. On the back of these advancements in the field of seed/plant biotechnology, incorporation of desired traits into the seeds has become possible. The very fact laid the foundation of hybrid seeds or genetically engineered/modified (GM) seeds. Off late, after substantial clinical trials, hybrid/GM seeds were introduced in the market, capable of increasing production.
As per the recent statistics, in value terms, the US was the largest seeds market, followed by China and France. And in the years to come, the seeds market of Asia Pacific region and the Americas are anticipated to grow at the fastest pace as compared to the other geographies. Category wise, conventional seeds still account for the major share of the overall commercial seeds market. On the other hand, the biotechnology or the genetically modified seeds is the fastest growing category and posed a significant constituent of the respective market.
On the market dynamics front, the major trends include market consolidation, triggered by a powerful figure of mergers and acquisitions. Other key trends include the adoption of Bt Maize and Bt Cotton; and acceptance of GM seeds over the fertilizers. One of the major growth drivers include the quick adoption of the biotech crops and GM seeds. With the ever increasing demand for food on account of rising population, unpredictable supply of agricultural output, and swaying economic environment among other factors are calling for the development of tools and technology in order to meet the future demands and tactfully deal with the challenges lying ahead.
The current report offers an in-depth analysis of the global seeds industry with focus on two major categories viz. conventional seeds and biotechnology seeds. Also regions including the US, India and Canada are covered. The key players reining the global seeds industry include Monsanto, DuPont, Syngenta AG, and Bayer Cropscience. The fiercely competitive landscape of the worldwide seeds industry along with the company profiles of the respective players is also included in this report.
By combining SPSS Inc.’s data integration and analysis capabilities with our relevant findings, we have predicted the future growth of the industry. We employed various significant variables that have an impact on this industry and created regression models with SPSS Base to determine the future direction of the industry. Before deploying the regression model, the relationship between several independent or predictor variables and the dependent variable was analyzed using standard SPSS output, including charts, tables and tests
1. Seeds: An Overview
2. Seeds Market Structure
2.1 Global Seeds Market
-Market Value
-Regional Breakdown
-Growth by Region
2.2 Global Seeds Exports & Imports
-Exports by Major Countries
-Imports by Major Countries
2.3 Global Seeds Market by Category
2.3.1 Conventional Seeds Market
-Market Value
2.3.2 Biotechnology/GM Seeds Market
-Market Value
-Breakdown by Region
- Breakdown by Crop
2.4 Regional Seeds Markets
2.4.1 The US
-Market Overview
-Adoption of GM Maize
2.4.2 India
-Market Value
- Breakdown by Crop
2.4.3 Canada
-Exports/Imports by Value
-Exports/Imports by Volume
3. Market Dynamics
3.1 Industry Trends & Developments
3.1.1 Market Consolidation
3.1.2 Adoption of Bt Cotton and Bt Maize
3.1.3 Preference of GM Seeds over Fertilizers
3.2 Growth Drivers
3.2.1 Swift Acceptance of Biotech Crops
3.2.2 Increased Adoption of Novel Traits
3.2.3 Rising Demand for Feed, Food and Fuel
3.3 Challenges
3.3.1 High Barrier to Entry
3.3.2 Undernourished Population
3.3.3 Increasing Commodity Prices
4. Competitive Landscape
-Competitive Overview
-Market Share
5. Company Profiles
5.1 Syngenta AG
5.1.1 Business Overview
5.1.2 Financial Overview
5.1.3 Business Strategies
-Investing in R&D & Innovation
-Promoting Crop Biotechnology
5.2 Bayer CropScience AG
5.2.1 Business Overview
5.2.2 Financial Overview
5.2.3 Business Strategies
-Driving Growth through Innovation
- Strategic Alliances & Partnerships
5.3 E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Co.
5.3.1 Business Overview
5.3.2 Financial Overview
5.3.3 Business Strategies
-Focus on Sustainable Growth
-Technological Alliances
5.4 Monsanto Company
5.4.1 Business Overview
5.4.2 Financial Overview
5.4.3 Business Strategies
-Investment in R&D
-Strategic Alliances
6. Market Outlook
6.1 Market Forecast
6.2 Forecast Methodology
6.2.1 Dependent and Independent Variables
6.2.2 Correlation Analysis
6.2.3 Regression Analysis
List of Charts
Global Commercial Seeds Market (2010-2012)
Seeds Market Share by Region (2012)
Regional Seeds Market CAGR (2010-2016E)
Global Seeds Market by Category
Global Conventional Seeds Market (2000-2012)
Global Biotechnology Seeds Market (2000-2012)
Global Biotech Crop Area by Economy (2005-2012)
Biotech Crop Plantation Share by Economy (2012)
GM Seeds Market Share by Geography (2011)
GM Seeds Market Share by Crop (2011)
Seed Treatment Market by Crop (2011)
GM Maize adoption in the US (2005-2011)
Indian Seeds Market Size (2011)
Indian Seeds Industry by Crop (2011)
Canada’s Seeds Exports and Imports by Value (2008/09-2011/12)
Canada’s Seeds Exports and Imports by Volume (2008/09-2011/12)
Acquisitions by Seed Companies (2011)
Seed, Fertilizer and Chemical Costs in the US per Planted Acre of Corn (2011)
Global Biotech Crop Area (1996-2012)
Global Stacked Trait Hectarage (2011 & 2012)
Global Area of Hybrid Seeds Planted by Traits (2001-2011)
Seed Demand Drivers
Global Vegetable Seed Market Share (2013E)
The US Corn Seed Market Share- Conventional & Biotech (2013E)
Syngenta’s Sales Share by Business Segments (2012)
Syngenta’s Sales and Net Income (2009-2012)
Bayer CropScience’s Sales Breakdown by Business Segments (2012)
Bayer CropScience’s Revenues (2009-2012)
DuPont’s Revenues by Business Segments (2012)
DuPont’s Revenues & Net Income (2008-2011)
Monsanto’s Revenues by Business Segments (2012)
Monsanto’s Sales & Net Income (2009-2012)
Global Biotech Seeds Market Forecast (2011–2015F)
List of Tables
Seeds Market Value in Selected Countries (2011)
Global Seeds Exports by Major Countries (2011)
Global Seeds Imports by Major Countries (2011)
Seeds in the Cost of Agriculture Production in the US (2011)
Seed Industry M&As (2011)
Global Under Nourished Population (2011)
Seed Companies’ Statistics (2012)
Seed Brands by Major Industry Participants
Dependent & Independent Variables (2005-2012)
Correlation Matrix
Model Summary – Coefficient of Determination
Regression Coefficients Output
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