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印度出口分析报告 | 样本2,4-D | 2020年最新出口

2020-05-16 | 共18页 | 语种:英文 | 价格:9.90 美元
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"India Pesticides Exporting Analysis Report" is recently developed by AgroPages Marketing Group. This report based on the Exporting data that provide most common and popular active ingredients for multiple purchasing requirements from Pesticides TC and Formulation purchasing.


Indian suppliers is developing. Taking 2,4-D as an example, which has competitive force against China, is illustrated the sample. Meanwhile India also rely on the intermediates from China. Glufosinate grows up rapidly, but so far still cannot follow up the supply ability of China. Therefore "India Pesticides exporting Analysis Report" could be one of the selection and information channel.



Report file: Excel


Sample: 2, 4-D | 2020.1-2020.2 | Order NOW! 9.9 USD


Report language: English


Report price: 300 USD/ active ingredient / year


Availability year: 2015-2020


Data structure: Date, Importer, Exporter, HS code, Product description, Amount, Unit, FOB USD unit price, FOB total value, FOB Rupee unit price, Total value, Destination country.



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